Monday, April 4, 2011

Let a chemistry make a right alloy ..........

If Ratan Tata does not share chemistry with Maran, so does he share
that with Raja? A natural question comes. Whatever, it's but it makes
any loving citizen sorry to see Tata's at this position. Jamshedji must be
turning in his grave with utter discomfort; so, also me a fan of Tatas for
their much advocated social responsibility.

Has Ratan Tata diminished the stature of Tata, betrayed the love the
countrymen, in general. Time will say, hope will not disappoint.

The question is on the mess, that prevails. The stream does not flow and the flow is
muddy. Anything, you look through this looks also so. And so, is Ratan Tata now

Let the goodness prevail in Delhi, mud gives a way to clarity and
so the original color comes out be it anybody ................ .
And at last, let a chemistry make a right alloy ..........

Hrushikesha Mohanty
(In response to Ratan Tata's statement at PAC yesterday)